Friday, February 13, 2009


Found on forums:


Joined up with some guy to go Pking.....we had not pked togther before, but we thought we would give it a try. We decide to head out to the alfar lands with the following items on us: Some average chain/leather gear, some decent weapons, a few pots that we got off some newbie mobs, and a few fish each. We ran for about 20 minutes only finding one afk alfar out in the middle of nowhere, who we promptlyrelieved of his gear. After about 10 more minutes we come across some ruins of a mini castle, in which we see 3 players of a clan finishing up a mob. So we decided that we are going to attacking them, because even though it looks like they have some plate on, they may be lower on stam from fighting mobs. So we run into the middle of them swinging away, me with my 1h and shield and my teammate with his 2h mace. We target a big fat dwarf who tries to fight for a bit, but ends up trying to run. Now one of the other guys pulls out a staff and starts blasting away at my teammate, while the other pulls out a sword and goes after him as well (I presume because I had a shield). My teammate gets to about half hp and starts running away, drawing the other 2 players with him. The fatty is at about 10% hp now, and when my teammate loops back around we finish him off(I consume 2 stam pots at aroudn this time). At this point my teammate is at about 40%hp and he starts fighting the other player, we fight him for a few seconds and he starts running. So my teammate takes off after him, I think he drank a pot here as well. I go over to the mage and start beating him in the back...he stupidly does not pull out a melee weapon untill I have him at under half hp. From their I easily finish him off, and head off to find my teammate. Just as he comes into view I see him ganking his opponet. Wew we won! It was such a rush. My heart was still pounding when I looted the two guys I put down, and low and behold the dwarf had a veritable treasure chest on him! (atleast it was to my newb self) He had some plate items, 225 gold!, tons of reagents, and lots of weapons from the mobs they were fighting. The other guys didnt have much, just some more plate and weapons. Me and my teammate quickly looted and exited the area, congratulating each other on the job well done. We ran all the way back to a bank and split the loot.

Needless to say I had a blast.

If anyone has any questions about my fight or pvp I will try and answer them here.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to know whether those potions are ona cooldown timer yet; last I'd heard the mechanic plays-out as if there were no consequence to using a potion voraciously. It just seems to me that without a check in place there'd be no strategy to it.

    Also, have you noticed any particular pattern to decapitations or special deaths? Is it chance, or activated with a specific method?
