Friday, February 6, 2009

Message From Aventurine

We have to keep the servers offline for a few more hours, since we have to enable more layers of security checks.
Some(very few) of the testers have been trying to modify the network packets going to the server.
This means that some points in our system have signaled to us that there are errors on the client-server communication. Since we are still in debug mode we have taken down the servers to check if there were any errors on our behalf. This is not the case.

Let this be the final warning to the ones that have tried this:

Anyone who tries to modify packets or the client (basically trying to cheat) will be insta-banned and kicked from the beta.

This rule will, of course, apply after release too.

1 comment:

  1. Well it seems the people over on or w/e (the forums that went with need to either slow their process down a shit ton... OR

    For the sake of the game fuck off and stop.
