Crafting Skills
Armorcrafting : chain, scale, plate, full-plate, and dragon armor
Tailoring : cloth, padded, leather, studded, and bone armor
Weaponcrafting : All weapons, Shields
Jewelcrafting : necklaces, rings, etc.
Enchanting : Permanent magical properties for crafted items
Alchemy : granades, higher lvl potions & spellstaves
Herbalism: Lower level potions
Fletching : bows & arrows
Construction : buildings, boats, and cannons
Cooking : Used for making food. Food is highly useful.
Gathering Skills
Mining - Ore, Rocks, Gems, Reagents
Lumberjacking - Wood, Reagents
Skinning - Leather (not in yet), Reagents, compos for potions
Harvesting - Berries, steed-grass (for making mounts), Reagents, comps for potions
Fishing - Fish, Reagents
* Ore requires smelting. Lumber requires Carpentry Alchemy requires Chemistry, etc. etc. * All crafts begin by allowing one to make Rank 0 items. As one skills up in a given craft, higher rank items can be made, and the chance of higher stats on tthe items improve as ones skill does. * In addition, as you gathering skills and "smelting, carpentry, etc." go up, so does ones ability to work and obtain higher level components. |
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