Thursday, February 12, 2009

Build 121

New Patch

A new patch has been released.

Fixes and updates in this patch includes:

* Invisibility problem has been fixed. If you should experience this ever again, please notify us immediately.
* Minimap images and resolution have been updated.
* Darkfall help screen on startup has been introduced
* Missing magic staff unsheathe animation has been enabled
* Some bugs in the crafting system has been fixed. (Some stats on player crafted gear was missing or not being influenced by the crafting).
* Misc. GUI problem fixes
* Cost and ingredient requirements for alchemy potions have been reduced
* Success probability for alchemy potions have been slightly increased.
* Monster loot have been updated
* New big secret dungeon has been enabled
* Several spells have been tweaked with regards to magnitude, duration, casting-time, lower reagent requirements and blocking timers:
o Agility in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Arrow Shield in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Arrow Ward in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Ball Lightning in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Come Hither in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Exploding Charge in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Guiding Wind in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Lightning Bolt in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Lightning Shield in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Lightning Strike in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Lightning Ward in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Lightning Weakness in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Stormblast in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Thunderstorm in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Tornado in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Acid Arrow in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Acid Rain in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Acid Shield in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Acid Ward in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Brawn in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Corrosive Blast in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Infliction Shield in Earth Magic has been tweaked
* Items sold by vendors have been modified in order to remove things that are only to be craft able by players
* Bags and empty bottles have been added to vendor inventory
* Updates to the world
* Some quest updates


  1. apparently 122 was skipped, you must be talking about 123. would've posted it but was at work lol. thanks for letting me know :)
