Friday, February 6, 2009

Build 117

A new patch has been released.

Fixes and updates in this patch includes:

* An exploit where a player could sprint for a very long time has been fixed
* Gold requirement for crafting Repair Shards has been removed
* All monsters was dumbed down as a test in the last patch. This has been reversed.
* Many monsters will now respawn faster.
* Some of the lag problems that some players experienced have been fixed
* Some rare client crashes have been fixed.
* Several world building updates
* More monster loot has been added.


  1. Damn, the feb. 25th release date is looking to be the one this time around.

    Of course... Something will probably go wrong and it will get pushed back again! :(

  2. Sounds like they fixed some bugs whos people was complaining about before

    "* More monster loot has been added. "
