Thursday, February 5, 2009

Build 114 (Actually Build 115 Supposedly)

A new patch has been released.
This is mainly to address some server issues, but a couple of other things managed to get in.

Fixes and updates in this patch includes:

* Lay On Hands in Lesser Magic has been fixed so you can't parry it.
* Lightning Bolt in Air Magic has been tweaked
* Run skill has been fixed so it skills up much faster
* You can now skill up in crouch, so that you can sneak up on your enemies at a faster pace.
* Block/Parry will now skill up a bit faster
* If there are any errors when starting the game, they should all be reported back to you.
* The problem some testers experienced with stuttering should now be much better. (We are doing some heavy duty logging on the client to catch the last few remaining client side bugs)
* An transparency slider has been added to all GUI windows, so that you can choose transparency level of each individual window.
* Updates to the world


  1. Good luck with the blog! Can you change the colors to be darker?

  2. Nice job, I like it.

  3. Thanks for putting together the blog.

  4. Can we get a link to the messageboard on the main page of this blog?

  5. Thanks, it says "" is that the whole URL? It isn't working.

    Btw, thanks for the blog! :D

  6. blah, sorry about that. fixed! (in a second anyway)
