Monday, February 16, 2009

More FAQ Answered

Remember Sovlenski, the fellow that answered a bunch of questions? Well he's finally back to answer more!

Be sure to keep going back there for updated answers. Here is what is currently there:

Welcome to take 2! I have a shit ton more experience with this game! PM away!

For reference:
Noobs Guide
Take 1. (My first FaQ)
Map The black dot in the middle is bigger than Kalimdor in WoW

Can guilds name their cities when they claim a stone, or do all the spots have a pre-set names?
Preset names.

By what metric is that black dot bigger than Kalimdor? Travel time? In-game size measurements?
Both travel time and size. Movement speed is a lot faster in WoW, the world in DF is more dynamic as the mountain you can actually travel up.

Regarding hamlets... can you build guard towers and farms there?

What features does a clan offer the player?
A clan offers a contract of safe people to role with, a way to gank people with no penalty except risk by going to war and probably a city to chill at.

Can ranks/titles be given? (military ranks?), and what practical functionality do they offer?
Yes, but the ranks are generic. Ranks offer what access you have in the bank as well as a bureaucratic structure.

How is clan property dealt with? for example, the ownership and/or control of a city, a farm / bank or a certain piece of land (if that's possible)
Who keeps control over buildings like clan houses and banks?
How is a clan bank taken care of, who gets access to items and gold?

The owner ship of the clan city is whoever claim that city with a clan shard. Who ever is the major of the city is the boss. Clan bank is manipulated by the clan leader, (ranks).

I assume 'kingdoms' can be formed, what does a clan need to do to receive the status of 'Kingdom'?
How does a clan/kingdom claim control/ownership over land?
How does a clan/kingdom conquer land from other clans/kingdoms?

Kingdom is merely owning land. On the political map the area your clan controls is indicated with a green box. A clan claims a city/hamlet with a clan shard. A clan starts a siege by using a clanshard inside the enemies territory and 2 hours later their city becomes vulnerable.


Has anyone had the chance to operate a ship? And if so how was it?
So very expensive to get to this stage, but yes and it was just faster travel on the water. Lol it was a raft...

Can the elf and dark elf see better at night?

What does the wisdom stat govern?
"Grants a bonus to all crafting and harvesting skills. Also, it moderately affects maximum Mana, and grants a slight resistance bonus to curses."

Magic takes time to reach it's target as it's flying.The question is if it differs per magic type; for example a "Ball Lightning"(Since it's cheapest.) versus a Corrosive Blast.

Is there a poison skill in the game? How do poisons work? Is there only one kind of poison? How much damage does any known poisons do? Can you make poisons?
Magical dots are the closest thing to poisons. You cannot coat your weapon in dragons blood, sorry.

If you are grouped and on a kill quest do you get credit if a group member kills a mob you are after ?
Last hit.

When/if you get a chance, I wouldn't mind hearing about mounts and/or mounted combat. Is it fun? Is it even in? Can you fight with any weapon mounted. (I'm pretty sure not a bow however.) Is it like regular combat?
I will verify then answer this in 20 minutes.

When someones on the ground and you go to gank them what if you dont use any kind of weapons besides a wand. do you just smack them in the head with the wand? or does your hand burst into flames and you shove it in their chest or something?
You have to have a melee weapon out.

I have heard of many in game using 2 handers, but little mention of knives/daggers. I understand knives are faster, do less dmg with less range, and appear dual wielding, but are they not a viable weapon class?
Verifying check in 10-20 minutes.

Will I be at a major disadvantage for not eating in the game?
Yes, stats go up very slowly stacking food 3 times makes everything go faster as well as never ending sprint.

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