Friday, February 6, 2009

High-Res Map of Agon

Edit: Link changed to working one

Found on forums:

Load in browser:

There are buttons to browse through the map right under it.
To add a point of interest, just click on something interesting.
The rest is pretty self explanatory.

If you want to travel faster through agon, or if you want to have a smaller/bigger window of it:
The last parameter (eco) are the coordinates in the form
first_tilex, first_tiley, second_tilex, second_tiley.
That means
0,0,31,31 is the whole map, 1,1,3,3 is the rectangle from tile (1,1) to (3,3). If the area is bigger than 4 tiles in any direction creating new points is disabled. But you can still view and edit existing ones.

Be aware that what you do is visible to EVERYONE visiting the site, and you could delete any point another user has created. Please refrain from doing so, it's annoying...

We will update the map somwhere around this evening, to make it user-based. We wanted to wait till this is done, but seeing the current development in this community, we decided to bring the map online anyway so you have 'BETAKAKE NOWS!'.


  1. Full map is 48 Mb. "Downloading".
    thanks a lot...

  2. How did you download it?Piece by piece?

  3. i can host this site i have gigabit connection with 10000gb month limit. i host map for ok with me :)
