Friday, February 6, 2009

Scenary Videos + Dual Wielding Coming Back!

Edit: Added video of "bonus" dual-wielding video

Message on forums:

So someone messed with my account. I think it is someone I know that is just f'ing with me. Made new youtube account, made new forum account, reupping videos now.

Bonus dual wield combat video with skeletons.

Instead of reposting the videos, the old post will be edited with fixed links. He hasn't updated everything yet, so the links will be updated as needed. For the next couple hours until all is fixed, you can watch his Youtube page:

NEW bonus video:


  1. Hoping to get HD vids of the Dwarven areas soon too.

  2. thank you for letting me know, we'll all be looking forward to your new vids! :)

  3. The dwarf main city is so amazing that it made me switch from being a wolf to being a dwarf just so I could hang there. If you can get an HD video of the dwarven main city, that would be unbelievable. Ty in advance if you can get it!
