Saturday, February 7, 2009

"My View" - Leaker Impressions

Found on forums:

ok, im new posting on these forums and i came here everyday untill i got my key through so im keen to give something back.

for the past few days, darkfall has changed for me. at first, i was over the moon with the whole game - graphics, ideas, races etc. and the combat in it although not varying greatly is still fun.

however recently, i found that this is not at all a solo game - i mean, you cannot play this on your own, you need a party of friends or people you trust. i have found darkfall to be one of the most unforgiving games with the most inconsiderate players, this however makes it both fun, and annoying.

doing the starting missions, u are continually harrassed by gank teams, which [i was farming goblins] jump infront of your attacks and once you are rouge, gank you for everything u have earned in the past hours. the irony is they get no penalties for this as you were considered rouge... although this is a good tactic if u just want to gank people, it severly messes up the people who have just got in and are trying to start playing. it is near impossible atm to solo kill a goblin as all the spawns are crawling with gankers and/or players looking to kill goblins too so it is exceedingly hard to start the game.

saying all this, once u get past this stage, get good armour and a team, the game is quite possibly the funnest MMOs i have ever played.

at the moment, the world is empty, u can run for ages and not find anything, and all of the cities are pretty dire, having a minute number of NPCs - this all should be fixed by the release - but with so few days to go, my friends and i are worried about whether it will be released ontime as it feels very incomplete.

to conclude, this game will quite possibly be the next greatest MMO, the only negative points i could give is the attitudes of players, i just recommend you play with people you know or trust, as i know people will turn on you if they dont know you.

o i almost forgot,,,the armour feels quite limited, there are only 5 or 6 different types from what i can tell, but i cant be sure untill they turn on all the npcs...

i wouldnt reccomend this game if u give up easily as yes you probably will get ganked on your first day several times but if you have a pair [and some friends] you will thoroughly enjoy this game :)



  1. Once there's more people in game + higher skilled characters, i'm sure there will be gank groups patrolling the gank groups in newbie zones. Bigger fish syndrome

  2. Yeah this is to be expected, and I've said before that this is a very team oriented/based game.

    I'm sure you could still have lots of fun soloing, or even more, since there'd be more risk, therefore more reward.

  3. welcome to ffa pvp, it is the nature of the beast.
