Originally Posted by Tasos View Post
...as per our announcement in the news section.
Beta forums will remain closed while we're still testing as to keep the testing process useful rather than tainted by PR concerns. I would like to ask that we keep the beta discussion in here and that you refrain from cross-posting on the other forums.
Having said that, you're free to post your opinions, videos, and screenshots. We believe that you'll do so responsibly and objectively.
We would like to give the testers some lead time to the pre-orders for those interested, as our minimum thanks to your valuable contribution to the project. We'll post the link in here a couple of hours ahead of releasing it.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Beta Testers Get To Pre-Order Few Hours Early
Tons of Content
* Great PvP Video (good variety of footage - be sure to watch it in HD! graphics look fantastic!) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL55N7E1OYA
* Beta Tester Answers Some Good Questions - http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=132515
* Darkfall Vids w/ Narrations (Some people think the guy sounds like a complete douche; sure, he may sound a bit cocky, but it makes the videos hilarious and enjoyable to watch!) http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=132460
* Mahirim Mount Info http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=132564
TheMercs Gameplay Video
TheMercs have posted a gameplay video on Youtube. While the quality sucks, it's definitely still worth checking out:
Includes pre-order info, system requirements, and launch plans. Woohoo!
NDA Coming Down Soon?
The DivX quality version of the video + a small preview can be found here (scroll down for video):
Devs Respond To Towers
Hi everyone,
I want to address some of your concerns real quick:
* We recently added one guard tower to each faction quest hub. There are only three faction quest hubs in each racial territory, so they have little impact on gameplay, other than offering some protection for players who just started playing the game.
* There are no additional guard towers planned.
* We know that at least one tower was wrongly placed close to a chaos stone, and it will be removed shortly.
* As far as rogue/alignment mechanics go, we are looking at various improvements to the system. Keep in mind that at release you can only have ONE character, so the majority of the playerbase may play the game differently than they do in beta.
* We are currently testing functionality that will give city owners more control over when they can be challenged.
More Pillars?!
Discussion: http://s1.zetaboards.com/betaleaks/topic/1243799/1/
New PvP Video - With Group Voice Chat
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Build 125
Fixes and updates in this patch includes:
* Mount bug where mount would become unusable has been fixed
* Gravestones that end up in the water will now go to the surface, so you can loot all your kills
* Timer for when you can tap out of gank mode has been increased from 7 to 30 seconds.
* Creative log-out-to-avoid-being-looted exploits have been fixed
* All new mounts will now have 50% more health
* Character Creator now works properly in 800x600
* All creative sprint exploits have been fixed
* /ignore now works for all chat
* Some bug fixes and improvements to the enchantment system
* Marker options buttons enabled on World and Minimap
* Improvements to the chat system
* Options button for every chat window added
* Options button for every chat tab added
* You can rename a chat window with /chat_rename_window
* Some rare client crashes have been fixed
* Magnitude functions for melee, ranged and magic has been updated to correct modifiers due to rank/skill level
* Base damage from special melee attacks now use the basic attack skill level when calculating damage. Additional damage will use the main skill level.
* Surging bonus for skill level 100 archery has been added
* Crafting has now a max success probability of 99%
* Slight increase in spell casting success
* Transmutation recipes for the most advanced magic staffs have been enabled
* Monster loot for these monsters have been tweaked:
o Blood Achrid
o Bonecrew Captain
o Chosen of Khamset
o Elfshade
o Hobgoblin Veteran
o Gnoll Tribesman
o Fire Elemental
o Granite Golem
o Gray Ork Assassin
o Greater Matayin
o Hill Giant Slugger
o Hill Giant Clobberer
* Several spells have been tweaked with regards to magnitude, duration, casting-time, lower reagent requirements and blocking timers:
o Acid Rain in Earth Magic
o Blizzard in Water Magic
o Clear Thoughts in Water Magic
o Cold Shield in Water Magic
o Cold Ward in Water Magic
o Delayed Shot in Water Magic
o Disease in Water Magic
o Exhaust in Witchcraft
o Frostbite in Water Magic
o Gills in Water Magic
o Hymn of Intellect in Spell Chanting
o Hymn of Might in Spell Chanting
o Hymn of Skill in Spell Chanting
o Hymn of Swiftness in Spell Chanting
o Hymn of Vigor in Spell Chanting
o Ice Storm in Water Magic
o Mana Blast in Spell Chanting
o Max Health Bonus in Spell Chanting
o Max Mana Bonus in Spell Chanting
o Max Stamina Bonus in Spell Chanting
o Needles in Witchcraft
o Ominous Drain in Witchcraft
o Palsy in Witchcraft
o Pestilence in Witchcraft
o Sacrifice in Spell Chanting
o Shards in Water Magic
o Slow in Water Magic
o Sluggish in Witchcraft
o Soothing Chant in Spell Chanting
o Spell Curse Witchcraft
o Stupidity in Witchcraft
o Tongue Rot in Witchcraft
o Toxic Rain in Water Magic
o Water Breathing in Water Magic
o Weakening Chill in Water Magic
o Witches Brew in Witchcraft Magic
* Missing blocking timer for Great Clubs knockback has been added
* Some fixes to Journal
* Eating blocking timer has been increased
* Drinking blocking timer has been increased
* Sell prices for some skinned items have been increased
* A.I. tactic update
* Some updates to the worldbuilding
Model Meshes
A guy over at the leak forums has posted meshes found in the game files. While he isn't willing to post the actual program he used due to it being property of his work, he has been kind enough to post some pictures. If you look through his photos album, you can also find some screenshots from the game.
Monday, February 16, 2009
More FAQ Answered
Be sure to keep going back there for updated answers. Here is what is currently there:
Welcome to take 2! I have a shit ton more experience with this game! PM away!
For reference:
Noobs Guide
Take 1. (My first FaQ)
Map The black dot in the middle is bigger than Kalimdor in WoW
Can guilds name their cities when they claim a stone, or do all the spots have a pre-set names?
Preset names.
By what metric is that black dot bigger than Kalimdor? Travel time? In-game size measurements?
Both travel time and size. Movement speed is a lot faster in WoW, the world in DF is more dynamic as the mountain you can actually travel up.
Regarding hamlets... can you build guard towers and farms there?
What features does a clan offer the player?
A clan offers a contract of safe people to role with, a way to gank people with no penalty except risk by going to war and probably a city to chill at.
Can ranks/titles be given? (military ranks?), and what practical functionality do they offer?
Yes, but the ranks are generic. Ranks offer what access you have in the bank as well as a bureaucratic structure.
How is clan property dealt with? for example, the ownership and/or control of a city, a farm / bank or a certain piece of land (if that's possible)
Who keeps control over buildings like clan houses and banks?
How is a clan bank taken care of, who gets access to items and gold?
The owner ship of the clan city is whoever claim that city with a clan shard. Who ever is the major of the city is the boss. Clan bank is manipulated by the clan leader, (ranks).
I assume 'kingdoms' can be formed, what does a clan need to do to receive the status of 'Kingdom'?
How does a clan/kingdom claim control/ownership over land?
How does a clan/kingdom conquer land from other clans/kingdoms?
Kingdom is merely owning land. On the political map the area your clan controls is indicated with a green box. A clan claims a city/hamlet with a clan shard. A clan starts a siege by using a clanshard inside the enemies territory and 2 hours later their city becomes vulnerable.
Has anyone had the chance to operate a ship? And if so how was it?
So very expensive to get to this stage, but yes and it was just faster travel on the water. Lol it was a raft...
Can the elf and dark elf see better at night?
What does the wisdom stat govern?
"Grants a bonus to all crafting and harvesting skills. Also, it moderately affects maximum Mana, and grants a slight resistance bonus to curses."
Magic takes time to reach it's target as it's flying.The question is if it differs per magic type; for example a "Ball Lightning"(Since it's cheapest.) versus a Corrosive Blast.
Is there a poison skill in the game? How do poisons work? Is there only one kind of poison? How much damage does any known poisons do? Can you make poisons?
Magical dots are the closest thing to poisons. You cannot coat your weapon in dragons blood, sorry.
If you are grouped and on a kill quest do you get credit if a group member kills a mob you are after ?
Last hit.
When/if you get a chance, I wouldn't mind hearing about mounts and/or mounted combat. Is it fun? Is it even in? Can you fight with any weapon mounted. (I'm pretty sure not a bow however.) Is it like regular combat?
I will verify then answer this in 20 minutes.
When someones on the ground and you go to gank them what if you dont use any kind of weapons besides a wand. do you just smack them in the head with the wand? or does your hand burst into flames and you shove it in their chest or something?
You have to have a melee weapon out.
I have heard of many in game using 2 handers, but little mention of knives/daggers. I understand knives are faster, do less dmg with less range, and appear dual wielding, but are they not a viable weapon class?
Verifying check in 10-20 minutes.
Will I be at a major disadvantage for not eating in the game?
Yes, stats go up very slowly stacking food 3 times makes everything go faster as well as never ending sprint.
3 New Videos
Swinging sword while on mount - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0vQfI_wy78
Rotation of alfar upper half - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8exzlsZR1g4
Boat in water - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBEas2a2stg
Mount Videos
Some nice dude posted a couple of short videos (in HD) showing off some mounts.
some horse with horns, more like a big goat :
a dragon like mount:
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Build 123
* Mahirim male and female armor and clothing graphics have been updated
* Chat system is being fixed and enhanced.
o You can drag tabs out of the window and they will form new windows
o You can drag tabs in between windows
o All problems relating to focus on the chat window has been resolved
o Closed windows stay closed until you use the main menu chat button to bring up all the chat windows. (If there is a specific chat tab that you don't want to see, then drag it to a new window and close it).
o You will be given all the tools necessary to configure the chat system to your exact liking in a later patch.
* Some quest fixes
* Several spells have been tweaked with regards to magnitude, duration, casting-time, lower reagent requirements and blocking timers:
o Disintegrate in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Earthquake in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Gravity in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Impale in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Ironskin in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Meteor Strike in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Pungent Mist in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Stamina Leech in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Stone Skin in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Tarnish in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Dragonbreath in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Explosion in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Fire Shield in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Fire Ward in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Fireball in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Firebolt in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Haste in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Impetus in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Inferno in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Magma Storm in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Rapid Shot in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Smoke Signal in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Volcano in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Wall of Fire in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Weakening Blaze in Fire Magic has been tweaked
o Adept in Spell Chanting has been tweaked
o Bless Other in Spell Chanting has been tweaked
o Blessing in Spell Chanting has been tweaked
o Healing Chant in Spell Chanting has been tweaked
o Infliction Shield in Spell Chanting has been tweaked
Friday, February 13, 2009
MMORPG Interview - BAD NEWS!
We haven't heard anything new from the developers since the Jan 22nd news item announcing the first round of invites. Can you tell us why we haven't heard any further updates? |
That’s not entirely correct because we’ve had a substantial update on January 25th and a few interviews since then but basically we’ve been doing what we said on the 22nd. Our first priority is getting the game ready for release. There are also thousands of testers to support and all this has been keeping us very busy. We have announcements coming soon with all the info the public needs in order to play Darkfall. |
We keep hearing that the developers have responded to quite a bit of user input since the 22nd. Can you give us an idea of some of the changes that have come about as a result of player feedback? |
We have been getting a lot of valuable user feedback and responding to it as we have done throughout the development cycle. Most of the feedback confirms our original intentions meaning that often players ask for changes or fixes that are already planned or in production. We have benefited from the feedback in several areas where we needed testing input and we’ve had a lot of great feedback related to balancing, and on tweaking the gameplay experience. A lot of the user feedback has led to more testing of features. We’ve also been doing our best to respond immediately to any bugs reported by the testers and so far our track record has been very good at fixing them immediately. By looking at the player logs, we’ve corrected many areas that the players didn’t need to report. It’s our commitment to continuously and proactively support this game throughout its lifecycle, on a daily basis, and to listen closely to what the players have to say so that the game can evolve and grow. We won’t simply assign a ‘live team’ to support the game while the rest of us move on to something else. The testers working with us already know this. |
There had been some speculation that there are plans to push the launch date further back than the originally announced 25th date. Can you tell us if there is any truth to this? |
Consistent with the usual speculation sources, there’s no truth to this. |
Can you give us any more details on pre-order plans? |
We will have a pre-order so that we can service Darkfall’s customer’s better pending release. The pre-order customers will be able to download the game prior to the 25th and to enter the game on the launch date. We considered offering early access to the pre-orders, but decided against this due to the competitive nature of the game. Our pre-order consists of a minimal charge to activate the process which will be concluded on the launch date. You’re not pre-buying the game; you’re simply reserving your copy for the launch date. Our billing partner is Globalcollect, a leading and trusted global payment service. There will be a limited number of pre-order copies of Darkfall offered, and a limited number of copies available at launch. We won’t try to support more users than we can guarantee a good gameplay experience for, and if demand is higher than supply, then we will move to a structured release. It’s also not a matter of simply throwing up a few more servers to meet increased demand. Darkfall being a sandbox, real-time, seamless world able to support over 10 thousand concurrent users requires considerably more infrastructure and support in place than your average MMOG. We will do what is necessary to support the demand, but it’s not going to be instantaneous. The overwhelming majority of the people who have played the game have expressed their interest in pre-ordering, but it’s not our intention to urge anyone to pre-order, rather to inform that this is an available option.
As of now, are there any systems or features that players have expected to see in the game that will not be ready for launch? |
The only feature we haven’t had time to implement is the Mahirim 4 legged run. Mahirim characters can of course use mounts until this is implemented. We have consolidated several skills and spells and taken out redundant ones but we’ll continue to continuously add more throughout the lifecycle of the game. Running guards have been replaced by guard towers because they are more effective and also because more NPCs in the world just take up player spots. Repair works on ships, cannons, warhulks, structures, but not on player items and this was done to better facilitate the game economy and the appropriate adjustments were made to balance this out. Then there are the old features we’ve announced changes on already through various updates, like individual player housing consolidated for now under clan housing, ritual magic being left out, prestige classes left out, and ARAC guilds being possible for practical reasons with only the penalty of incompatibility. I’m sure I’m not addressing a few smaller features since I’m answering this question off the top of my head, but any changes we’ve made are mainly because either the feature was impractical in the Darkfall environment, it wasn’t fun, it was redundant, tedious, didn’t add to the gameplay experience, or because we are rethinking it. Of course, we’ve also added hundreds of extras to the game that the players are not expecting and will continue to do so throughout the lifecycle of the game. |
Can you give us an idea of when you plan to lift the game's NDA |
We will lift it in time for people to get enough feedback to make an informed decision. We would rather not say when that is exactly. |
Has any progress been made in moving toward a North American launch date after the European date of the 25th? |
We’ve been looking at this, but we don’t have anything to announce yet. As I mentioned above, this is a serious commitment in resources and infrastructure, and we need the time to do as good a job as possible. For the time being, the European servers have been handling N. American players very well, and no problems have been reported due to player location. We will of course facilitate the migration of N. American players if they choose to join the N. American servers when these become available. There will be more information on this shortly. |
Source: http://s1.zetaboards.com/betaleaks/topic/1221944/1/
Joined up with some guy to go Pking.....we had not pked togther before, but we thought we would give it a try. We decide to head out to the alfar lands with the following items on us: Some average chain/leather gear, some decent weapons, a few pots that we got off some newbie mobs, and a few fish each. We ran for about 20 minutes only finding one afk alfar out in the middle of nowhere, who we promptlyrelieved of his gear. After about 10 more minutes we come across some ruins of a mini castle, in which we see 3 players of a clan finishing up a mob. So we decided that we are going to attacking them, because even though it looks like they have some plate on, they may be lower on stam from fighting mobs. So we run into the middle of them swinging away, me with my 1h and shield and my teammate with his 2h mace. We target a big fat dwarf who tries to fight for a bit, but ends up trying to run. Now one of the other guys pulls out a staff and starts blasting away at my teammate, while the other pulls out a sword and goes after him as well (I presume because I had a shield). My teammate gets to about half hp and starts running away, drawing the other 2 players with him. The fatty is at about 10% hp now, and when my teammate loops back around we finish him off(I consume 2 stam pots at aroudn this time). At this point my teammate is at about 40%hp and he starts fighting the other player, we fight him for a few seconds and he starts running. So my teammate takes off after him, I think he drank a pot here as well. I go over to the mage and start beating him in the back...he stupidly does not pull out a melee weapon untill I have him at under half hp. From their I easily finish him off, and head off to find my teammate. Just as he comes into view I see him ganking his opponet. Wew we won! It was such a rush. My heart was still pounding when I looted the two guys I put down, and low and behold the dwarf had a veritable treasure chest on him! (atleast it was to my newb self) He had some plate items, 225 gold!, tons of reagents, and lots of weapons from the mobs they were fighting. The other guys didnt have much, just some more plate and weapons. Me and my teammate quickly looted and exited the area, congratulating each other on the job well done. We ran all the way back to a bank and split the loot.
Needless to say I had a blast.
If anyone has any questions about my fight or pvp I will try and answer them here.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Build 121
A new patch has been released.
Fixes and updates in this patch includes:
* Invisibility problem has been fixed. If you should experience this ever again, please notify us immediately.
* Minimap images and resolution have been updated.
* Darkfall help screen on startup has been introduced
* Missing magic staff unsheathe animation has been enabled
* Some bugs in the crafting system has been fixed. (Some stats on player crafted gear was missing or not being influenced by the crafting).
* Misc. GUI problem fixes
* Cost and ingredient requirements for alchemy potions have been reduced
* Success probability for alchemy potions have been slightly increased.
* Monster loot have been updated
* New big secret dungeon has been enabled
* Several spells have been tweaked with regards to magnitude, duration, casting-time, lower reagent requirements and blocking timers:
o Agility in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Arrow Shield in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Arrow Ward in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Ball Lightning in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Come Hither in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Exploding Charge in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Guiding Wind in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Lightning Bolt in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Lightning Shield in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Lightning Strike in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Lightning Ward in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Lightning Weakness in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Stormblast in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Thunderstorm in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Tornado in Air Magic has been tweaked
o Acid Arrow in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Acid Rain in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Acid Shield in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Acid Ward in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Brawn in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Corrosive Blast in Earth Magic has been tweaked
o Infliction Shield in Earth Magic has been tweaked
* Items sold by vendors have been modified in order to remove things that are only to be craft able by players
* Bags and empty bottles have been added to vendor inventory
* Updates to the world
* Some quest updates
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Magic Staff Leak
The guy started a thread to complain, but most everyone disagreed with him (so I suppose you'd call this a conflicting review):
"Lvl 60 staff with lvl 60 mm = no difference at all, same with rend...
So now, we need to come up with a solution to this because unfortunately all the optimistic staff cravers weren't right and magic has a serious problem.
I think the suggestion for a general slow improvement re: dmg output and cost would be appropriate.
"MM should be doing crap damage. Rend is also a low level spell, what level is your rend by the way?"
"my thoughts are that's the OP is a piss-poor beta tester.
your LM level? MM level? what armour were you wearing? did you test other spells or just MM?
all of these are crucial for considering dmg and giving feedback. pls try to be more mature about testing."
"I just played around with a staff the does double dmg and double the cast time. Cooldown stays the same. This staff pwns face. MM sucks with it. Rend owns. I rend a mob then melee it to death. 60 rend dmg goes a long way."
"I got nuked in pvp since the patch by an alfar loner that fired a spell, absolutely sure it wasnt MM or rend, that did 72 points of damage with no armor on me. I got just close enough to see he had one of the new staffs and then he fired it, instant dead, from what i could tell it wasnt AoE just hit on target based spell, possibly from a fire school?"
"QUESTION: wait, spells stack with themselves? Does this include all buffs and debuffs? or just bleeds and poisons etc..
I had 3 rends stacked on me for testing purposes. So if middle lvl rend is doing 25 dmg x3 all the while giving you the ability to hit me with other spells and stuff then rend is doing its job as its supposed to. DoTs especially low lvl DoTs are not meant to do a crapload of dmg. They are meant as extra dps while you are doing DD."
Build 120
New Patch
A new patch has been released.
Fixes and updates in this patch includes:
* Double protection from armor has been fixed
* Bug with max power level on spells have been fixed *1)
* Bug with not being able to open clan vault has been fixed; IF you should experience this bug again try to move closer to the bank and open it again. If that doesn't help, save your logs and send us a bugreport.
* Sync issues have been addressed for the remaining few. IF you should experience sync issues (other reporting yourself teleporting around their screen), please exit the game and send us a bug report.
* Updates to sounds and how they are handled. (Note that our final sound mix have not yet been placed on the live servers and that is why the volume difference between sounds are not correct).
* Players being invisible have been resolved.
* Players appearing purple have been resolved.
* Bug where harvesting from empty clan city quarries stopped the players from being able to harvest anymore has been fixed.
* The bug where the roster would not show the correct online status of clan members has been fixed
* Clan Farms have been updated to give out correct resources and correct amount
* Clan Groves have been updated to give out correct resources and correct amount
* Clan Quarries have been updated to give out correct resources and correct amount
* Clan mines (all versions of them) have been updated to give out correct resources and correct amount
* Higher level cooking recipies have been tweaked to have a slightly better chance of success
* All magic staffs have had their stats enabled:
o Some staffs will have better performance on a specific magic school
o Some staffs will reduce overall casting time
o Some staffs will increase overall casting time, but yield greater results
* Some monster loot have been tweaked
* A.I. have been tweaked
* Some updates to the world (World building)
*1) Notes on the power levels of spells:
When a spell reaches 100 in skill level, you will have 1 shot that yields a tremendous amount of damage/healing/etc.
When you fire this 1 shot, it drops down again and you can skill it back up to the power shot. You can save up these power shots to use them all against your worst enemies if you like.
Notes on magic staffs and crafting:
ALL the best staffs will only be craftable by players. You will not be able to buy it from vendors. Right now we have enabled some of them on vendors, but this is for testing purposes only. They will be removed shortly.
The same goes for almost all the gear in Darkfall.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Darkfall Manifesto
We are two weeks away from release and while nobody really expects sweeping changes in gameplay at this point there is a great deal of interest in developer intent. This manifesto is the rough sum of previously stated developer intent and player feedback. I will try to go light on specific problems and instead cover general areas of gameplay are not quite where everyone wants them to be. This is going to be long but as succinct on each topic as possible:
Since it's a big wall of text, here's the source link:
US & European Launch on Feb 25th?
Source: http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=126585
Patch 119
New patch wich was like 380 mb
* The bug that would freeze the GUI have been fixed
* Bug where text on the HUD would be clipped (like player names) after a resolution change has been fixed
* The bug where the chat box would get focus after pressing a hotkey for a window (e.g. the map) has been fixed
* Fix for a bug where you would get extra speed if you swam along the bottom
* Swim skill will now skill up again.
* Some bugged quests have been fixed
* Bug where you would lose footstep sounds after a respawn has been fixed
* Timed quests will now display their countdown timer
* Small graphics update to crafting window
* Sync issues have been worked through and fixed. The problem of players jumping around on your screen should be severely reduced. We need your help to verify this.
* More fixes has been done to the Clan and Journal window. If you still can't see them, please send us a bugreport with logs. (Also give it some time, since we are running in debug mode).
* Holes and inconsistencies in the world have been fixed
* Monster spawn rate has been increased and number of monsters in spawns has been increased.
* A.I. has been tweaked
* Changes to the chat system:
o /tell has been enabled as an alias for /msg
o /clan has been enabled as an alias for /say_clan
o /officers has been enabled as an alias for /say_clan_officers
o /party has been enabled as an alias for /say_party
o Global chat has been disabled for players
o /race has been enabled. This will send a chat message to all members of your race
o /alliance has been enabled. This will send a chat message to all members of your racial alliance. (e.g. a human using it will send a message to Humans, Dwarves and Mirdains. An Ork using it will send a message to Orks and Mahirims. )
o /calliance has been enabled. This will send a chat message to all Clans where both your clan and the other clan has declared each other as Allies.
* Changes to damage, consummation of reagents and more has occured in these spells:
* Blast in Lesser Magic has been tweaked
* Eldritch Sphere in Lesser Magic has been tweaked
* Heal Self in Lesser Magic has been tweaked
* Health to Mana in Lesser Magic has been tweaked
* Lay On Hands in Lesser Magic has been tweaked
* Mana Missile in Lesser Magic has been tweaked
* Mana to Stamina in Lesser Magic has been tweaked
* Stamina to Health in Lesser Magic has been tweaked
* Flesh Curse in Greater Magic has been tweaked
* Frailty in Greater Magic has been tweaked
* Heal Other in Greater Magic has been tweaked
* Infliction Shield in Greater Magic has been tweaked
* Infliction Ward in Greater Magic has been tweaked
* Missile Fury in Greater Magic has been tweaked
* Rend in Greater Magic has been tweaked
* Shrapnel in Greater Magic has been tweaked
* Venom in Greater Magic has been tweaked
* Firebolt in Fire Magic has been tweaked
* Dragon Breath in Fire Magic has been tweaked
* Fireball in Fire Magic has been tweaked
* Inferno in Fire Magic has been tweaked
* Ball Lightning in Air Magic has been tweaked
* Acid Arrow in Earth Magic has been tweaked
* Icicle in Water Magic has been tweaked
* Disease in Witchcraft Magic has been tweaked
* Exhaust in Witchcraft Magic has been tweaked
* Insect Swarm in Witchcraft Magic has been tweaked
* Palsy in Witchcraft Magic has been tweaked
* Pestilence in Witchcraft Magic has been tweaked
* Sluggish in Witchcraft Magic has been tweaked
* Stupidity in Witchcraft Magic has been tweaked
* Some magic schools has had their charging effect tweaked.
* Updates to the world (Worldbuilding)
* Several fixes to rare client crashes.
* We turned off more heavy logging and verification on the client side. Do, however, bear in mind that we are still running servers + clients in debug mode.
Monday, February 9, 2009
"Ork Fortress Assault" - New Video
Also available in HQ:
3-Part Walkthrough & Beta Drama
The guy running the "Confessions of a Beta Leaker" website has decided to make a commentary-filled walkthrough showing character creation and some gameplay. They are available to watch in HD.
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kssKbcK8knI
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5kiSTzPoUk
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKJvMMeC4CQ
Beta Testers Want Game Delayed? - Discussion
It can be located here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/betaleaks/topic/1205757/1/
I posted a reply and would like to hear everyone's views as well, either if you want to post on the forums or right here. But let's keep it civil.
My Reply:
Ok, I know a lot of people are saying they can afford to delay the game more because they supposedly have all this money, but let's think about the other possibility. What if they DON'T have the money? or even if they did, do you really think investors are going to let them delay the game again? Whether they have enough money or not, 1) investors want their money back 2) they're gonna look like BSing idiots to their fans and the press to the delay the game for the 2nd-3rd time now (depending on whether or not you counted 2008 as an official announcement). Why else would they be doing preorders when in the past they said they would never do that? Let's say it's because they're running out of money and need it desperately.
I remember back when people were asking why they barely had any advertising, if you would even call it advertising, and a lot of fans kept talking about how they "didn't have enough money to advertise" and to STFU about it. But now suddenly they have tons of money and blah blah to delay it? Come on now.
In any case, they're in a lot of shit if they don't get their act together. I don't wanna sound like doom and gloom, but I'm just trying to think logically about the situation.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
"Darkfall Compilation Fun" - Video
Hey i'm the one who uploaded all the exploration, and dual wield vids. I am currently uploading a 10 minute compilation of random footage I took this evening. I have to go to a cookout with some friends and family so I don't have a link yet, but if you visit my user section on youtube it will be up shortly. It will be HD also, but may take 10 minutes after it is up to be available.
- Prof/Bureyku
PvP Video - Dwarves Hunting Mahirim
Zevi12 is quick on those videos! After making that cool dwarf video, he has decided to upload one of him and other dwarves hunting mahirim. Check it out (also available in HQ - thx to one of the commentators on correcting me on the whole HQ/HD thing)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
New Video - City & Banking, Magic, Fighting
Another video brought to you by the guy that did the previous one. Confused yet? Anyway, here it is! (also available in HD):
"My View" - Leaker Impressions
ok, im new posting on these forums and i came here everyday untill i got my key through so im keen to give something back.
for the past few days, darkfall has changed for me. at first, i was over the moon with the whole game - graphics, ideas, races etc. and the combat in it although not varying greatly is still fun.
however recently, i found that this is not at all a solo game - i mean, you cannot play this on your own, you need a party of friends or people you trust. i have found darkfall to be one of the most unforgiving games with the most inconsiderate players, this however makes it both fun, and annoying.
doing the starting missions, u are continually harrassed by gank teams, which [i was farming goblins] jump infront of your attacks and once you are rouge, gank you for everything u have earned in the past hours. the irony is they get no penalties for this as you were considered rouge... although this is a good tactic if u just want to gank people, it severly messes up the people who have just got in and are trying to start playing. it is near impossible atm to solo kill a goblin as all the spawns are crawling with gankers and/or players looking to kill goblins too so it is exceedingly hard to start the game.
saying all this, once u get past this stage, get good armour and a team, the game is quite possibly the funnest MMOs i have ever played.
at the moment, the world is empty, u can run for ages and not find anything, and all of the cities are pretty dire, having a minute number of NPCs - this all should be fixed by the release - but with so few days to go, my friends and i are worried about whether it will be released ontime as it feels very incomplete.
to conclude, this game will quite possibly be the next greatest MMO, the only negative points i could give is the attitudes of players, i just recommend you play with people you know or trust, as i know people will turn on you if they dont know you.
o i almost forgot,,,the armour feels quite limited, there are only 5 or 6 different types from what i can tell, but i cant be sure untill they turn on all the npcs...
i wouldnt reccomend this game if u give up easily as yes you probably will get ganked on your first day several times but if you have a pair [and some friends] you will thoroughly enjoy this game
More Scenery Videos
Mountain City
Ice Cave
North Sea
Alfar Gate
Stone and Ship in Niflheim
Wicked Forest
Sunny Trees
Waterfall Village
Friday, February 6, 2009
"Had A Great Time" - Leaker Story
It started of by me getting griefed by two people after I had just thought a mob, which led to me using one of the guys to sort of shield me off from the other guys magic/attacks and I took one of them down and then went on to the next, I took him down to half his HP but then died.
So I went back there, found a really cool hinding place behind a castle wall and started launching mana missles at one guy, little did I know that the guy I was launching missiles at had another 2 guys with him...bad move for me.
It took them a couple of mins to find me but when they did they were throwing everything at me...arrows..missiles, so I started to run jumping over the wall under the water around the corner and behind a rock which led to me loosing them...phew.
A bit later I came across an area which had some skellies, zombies and a little way up some Mercian brawlers which had some nice armor (well it was better than being naked) and also a decent sword.
I killed them for an hour or so and finally got a lvl 25 skill in lesser magic..Eldritch missile here I come!
I thought I'd call it a day and head back to Heart of Eanna to place my new items in my vault....or so I thought, just as I start putting my cash in I start getting whacked on from behind.
I thought to myself..ah the Guard Tower will have him, down to half health...mmm why do I not hear the awful zapping sound fron the guard tower? So then I started to panic.
So I started grabbing all my banded mail and chucking it in the safe, then my cash followed by the weapon (down to 1/4 health now) off came the boots.....then...I died ; ;
Thankfully I didn't lose much other than my viking looking hat
So I respawn and what do I see the same guy parading his new hat around outside the vault.
I'm not going to stand for that I thought to myself so I started whacking on him...zap...zap...zap...dead. WTF?!?!?
So after all that I had quite the night and to top it off Eldritch missile looks crappy.
Here's a screenie of the area I was fighting the Mercians, the zombies and skellies were through the little arch way.
Included Screenshot:

Scenary Videos + Dual Wielding Coming Back!
Message on forums:
So someone messed with my account. I think it is someone I know that is just f'ing with me. Made new youtube account, made new forum account, reupping videos now.
Bonus dual wield combat video with skeletons.
Instead of reposting the videos, the old post will be edited with fixed links. He hasn't updated everything yet, so the links will be updated as needed. For the next couple hours until all is fixed, you can watch his Youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/Bureyku2
NEW bonus video:
Build 117
Fixes and updates in this patch includes:
* An exploit where a player could sprint for a very long time has been fixed
* Gold requirement for crafting Repair Shards has been removed
* All monsters was dumbed down as a test in the last patch. This has been reversed.
* Many monsters will now respawn faster.
* Some of the lag problems that some players experienced have been fixed
* Some rare client crashes have been fixed.
* Several world building updates
* More monster loot has been added.
Message From Aventurine
We have to keep the servers offline for a few more hours, since we have to enable more layers of security checks.
Some(very few) of the testers have been trying to modify the network packets going to the server.
This means that some points in our system have signaled to us that there are errors on the client-server communication. Since we are still in debug mode we have taken down the servers to check if there were any errors on our behalf. This is not the case.
Let this be the final warning to the ones that have tried this:
Anyone who tries to modify packets or the client (basically trying to cheat) will be insta-banned and kicked from the beta.
This rule will, of course, apply after release too.
High-Res Map of Agon
Found on forums:
Load in browser: http://www.vandownbytheriver.info/dfmap.html
Download: http://www.megaupload.com/de/?d=X31H9WR8
There are buttons to browse through the map right under it.
To add a point of interest, just click on something interesting.
The rest is pretty self explanatory.
If you want to travel faster through agon, or if you want to have a smaller/bigger window of it:
The last parameter (eco) are the coordinates in the form
first_tilex, first_tiley, second_tilex, second_tiley.
That means
0,0,31,31 is the whole map, 1,1,3,3 is the rectangle from tile (1,1) to (3,3). If the area is bigger than 4 tiles in any direction creating new points is disabled. But you can still view and edit existing ones.
Be aware that what you do is visible to EVERYONE visiting the site, and you could delete any point another user has created. Please refrain from doing so, it's annoying...
We will update the map somwhere around this evening, to make it user-based. We wanted to wait till this is done, but seeing the current development in this community, we decided to bring the map online anyway so you have 'BETAKAKE NOWS!'.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Lots of Exploration + Dual Wielding
Edit 2: The user has taken down the videos for an unknown reason.
Edit: User added more videos
Wish you could see more environments? Well, you're going to like this!
Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU153qud0eQ
Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0hm1HZBleU
Video 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcFx03rosf0
Video 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oR43-SUjtI
Video 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K7_QlafHxo
Video 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYqOVze8tIc
Video 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBtRWeEMfNE
Video 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H24Lt1mAP3g
Video 9: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDq1IRXTkHA
Video 10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4SwhPFjM7A
Video 11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVVuijcCWPs
Chaotic City: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4nFqxoPC0M
The dual-wielding videos are only a few seconds long but pretty much show what swinging looks like with two daggers:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsZ9MTcqeIw
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29fHFNTgK_8
Ymir's Tear
Stumbled acrossed this place while I was exlporing, needless to say I was surprised at how big it is.
Human Starting City at Dusk
Edit: The user took down this video for unknown reasons.
A nice, scenic video. Not available in HD (yet?) so I'll go ahead and make the video watchable here:
Q&A Session
Does the player makes choices that affect quality while risking the complete loss of the item when crafting?
No, crafting is simplistic. 1. Harvest 2. Buy refining/crafting skill 3. Choose item at workstation 4. Wait as the progress bar finishes. That being said, success rate makes it harder.
Is it possible to set up your own shop and have a npc show people your wares even when you're not online?
No, the devs don't want npcs doing work for the players. So far there is no real economic system. >.< I mean, there's just "Wood" and you can chop it from any kind of tree or there are different types of "Wood", some more basic, some others for more advanced crafts ?
Same for "Ore" and other resources. There are in-fact different tiers of ore and wood, I have not seem the higher tier ore yet. Nodes are listed as "Mining Spawn Metal" for ore "Mining Spawn Stone" for stone, even in the middle of the map. Do these node have the higher tiers? Probably. I am making a database exe program with all the skills, magics, and items I come across, I just need to get the template for it so I can add information easier. (I suck at programing I am bellow a novice) Therefore I am teaching myself how to do this... HAHA. Be patient the HOLY GRAIL will come.
What improves as you improve gathering/crafting skill (Success rate, time it takes to gather/craft, amount of items gathered/crafted)?
When you are gathering you have more successes as your skill goes up, as for amount i have only gotten one item each time. As for the time it takes to harvest something, there is a skill you can buy to reduce this.
Have you tried selling resources to npc's yet? what is the amount they will pay per wood or ore etc?
1g per tier 1 resource as far as i can tell.
When you drop an item, does it get deleted or does it lay on the ground?
You cannot drop it on the ground, there is a trash can with flames in it that pops up when you start to drag items though. I will screen shot it later.
Can you drag items directly from your bank window to a trade window?
No. >.< Have you tried fishing yet? if so what types of fish/things have you caught so far?
How does the trade system work? (stores, auctions...)
No auctions. Kinda suchs atm more later if it changes.
Is there some sort of macro system for harvesting?
Macros are illegal but its beta no one cares.
How much of the resources do you get each successful attempt at gathering? 5 wood each time, 15 wood?
Beginning there is a low success rate but I have only gotten one each time.
When you gather from wood nodes or mining nodes do they disappear after the attempt or when they are tapped out?
They do not disappear. I've heard of people at the same node for hours.
If "friendly" (blue) player attacks a clanmate or party member, and that clanmate/partymate is an enemy of the attacker, will the attacker become grey to YOU? Example, say I'm an Ork, and there's a human in my clan. A mahirim comes and kills my human friend. Will the mahirim become grey/rogue to me?
Do arrows make a sound? Or maybe the bow? If not, that's a significant advantage over magic (which you can hear for miles).
Yes, when I was fleeing from an ork I could even hear when he was stinging the arrow. (When you change direction).
When you fire an arrow, in all the vids I have seen, the Arrow appears to disappears immediately. I know its not like this in game, but I was wondering how easy it is to follow your arrow, I would hope its easy to see where it goes so that you know where to aim for your next shot.
You can see the arrow all the way until it hits something as there is a trail. It is very hard to see but you can see the curved parabola it travels in. It is hard. Range sucks. Archery is powerful. Not running out of arrow is hard.
When someone asked about necromancy you said: "No pets yet". Is there any chance for them in the future? Any info you have on this subject? (Dev talks on beta forum etc).
Dev do not like the idea of an npc doing work for you (hense why there are no guards, just guard towers, and you cannot influence player merchants). Will they have *stupid pets* I don't know.
Do you know how many active skills (i.e. knockback and such) are in for melee weapons ? Are they different for each weapon or they're the same for all weapons ?Are there any archery active skills ? (i.e. Aimed Shot, Quick Draw and such).
There are 4 melee skill right now, knockback, power attack, seize weapon, and one other that ill update when i know. All of then are relatively the same just a different name. No archery abilities yet, they are powerful anyways.
From what I hear, block and parry are pretty useless because they use so much stamina... Do you believe this to be true? or is it viable to use a shield?
I used to use a shield, then I used a 2h great sword, not because of the stamina thing but because i never used "V" to utilize it because it is not like oblivion where you can hold V then attack and automatically go back to holding it up. When you hold V you cannot attack.
Can you recover arrows off the ground or from mobs after they're killed?
Once an arrow is shot or even loaded it is gone forever into oblivion.
If you are soloing at a camp and both you and another guys there starting hitting the same kill quest mob do you both get credit for it's death, also can you both loot it ?
Credit goes to killing blow. Anybody can loot anything.
How does loot work inside a group ?
Free loot anybody can loot anything., sheath(R) then loot (F) drag and drop into inventory.
How does archery damage compare to magic damage?
How do ranged attacks(Magic and archery) compare to melee damage?
Do directs hits from spells cause more damage then splash damage?
Archery does the most to start. Melee is faster but a little less. Magic in the beginning sucks, as you skill up damage increases, travels fast, and mana missile ends up shooting two I believe.
Are there no more skills when you press the + next to the combat skills?
Expanded Skills
Can you dual wield?
Yes, with knifes.
I'm particularly interested in "Armored Casting" "Armor Proficiency" and "Armored Archery" skills. in the screenshot you linked it's not possible to read the description completely. Could you please write it down? What about your experience with those skills?
Its cut off cannot see more. When you use archery, magic, and melee abilities and skills these proficiency skills go up. They improve cast time, damage and... well proficiency.All armor hinders proficiency even cloth.
I read the spell list but Didn't see any raise dead or summons in the necromancy tree. Have you seen any players or mobs who perhaps use a spell that isnt listed there?
No pets yet, only mounts, that die easy enough.
What does the Gank skill do? It seems as if finishing off a helpless opponent can't improve all that much.
When you run out of health two things happen. 1. You lay on the ground until a status bar finishes and you spawn at a bind point, you can quiken this process with the space bar. 2. You die and spawn at a bind point. The Gank skill finishes off players and forces them to their bind point. Meaning friendly members of the disabled player cannot press Z and raise them.
Is there active stat distribution? Active stat distribution means are there stat points to invest at all. Or is it 100% skill based and you need to acquire skills to increase your base stats? E.G. buy a skill that increases strength etc...
As you use attacks like magic/melee/archery what ever the attribute that skill tree use, that attribute will go up.
Which type of monster have you seen?
What's the range on arrows and offensive damaging spells? Will the arrow keep going on, till it hits an objective, as it's affected by gravity, while magic projectiles disappear at a certain time frame/length traveled?
Yes, they are affected by gravity. Aim high.
Can harvesting axes/pick-axes be used for combat?
Are racial weapons only usable by that race?
No, I have the Sithra skills. But they can only be created by their race.
If you shoot a heal target spell at an Undead mob, does it take damage? or get healed?
Healing an undead mob will damage it. I have not tried but someone else said this. I will test it and alter this response.
Do you find the melee system good? If not, what do you feel needs improvement?
Other testers have expressed sluggishness in the controls do feel the same way? If so, can you spend some time turning off/on game client features so we know its not a game play problem?
I love it. Face it, it is an mmo so there is going to be a small response time. If you think it is slower than WoW you are mistaken, in WoW you just don't notice it because of the way the game was created to cover up the affect of inevitable lag. Melee combat is easier than ranged Because of this issue. Think of a oblivion. but honestly I don't think the lag of combat is a big issue, I love it, and it is HARD esp when you two team a mob cause if you are not careful and the mob moves, your group member might try and follow it while attacking and accidentally hit you.
Will I be at a major disadvantage for not eating in the game?
You really only gain stamina when you rest, might as well eat cause it takes a while. But, I guess you could do without.
Is it worth it to carry lighter armor & weapons for the speed & casting benefits, or is heavy gear all the way the only viable choice to be effective?
Stats But any armor even cloth hinders a spell's effectiveness, potency, and cast time.
If you run barefoot is the sound less?
If you and naked you run quieter.
I heard about stealing being taken out. Is this officially not going to be in the game for good?
There is no stealth and there never will be.
Official stated. If you want to sneak up on someone there are rocks, trees, and grass. Which cannot be turned off. So wtf kind of stealing skills do you want? You can already steal a person's mount when they dismount. Kill them if you want something that is on them.
How do you rez someone it is a spell or skill?
Z. Everybody has this skill, you start with it. I have not fail, but for people who were just raise if they die again they go to their bind place. No rez for u!
I noticed Sithra as a weapon skill. What are Sithra?
Colorful sword/whip created by Alfar only.
Do you always have a crossair? I mean in both melee and ranged(Magic/Archery)?
What is the most fun class to play in your opinion? Im thinking of going mage as i think they will be rock solid when high level.
There are no class, you just skill up what you want, you should not go down a horse blinded path of just magic. Start getting used to the idea of Magic/Melee. Spell List
As far as I have read, while the world is seamless, there is some kind of *zoning* which is only a second or so.What happens if someone passes that 'zone' in front of you?Can you still see him as if nothing happened or does he disappear?
You can see people on the other side. Can be misinterpreted as lag.
Underwater, is it decorated or it it just barren? Does it differ from oceans to small masses of water?
Water There is stuff down there but it is hard to see, I have heard of people finding treasure chests down there.Can you say underwater city in ruins?Think Loch Ness monster.
Are there any rats, small birds, wildlife of any sort in the game?
I saw a flock of birds, butterflies, and fairy looking things. Could there be more than that? Sure.
Well, is there a political map? It was said there was a political map that shows kingdoms, shows you what clan owns each area, and what each controlling clan's laws and KoS lists are.
No. The map right now is a place holder map.
Are guard towers in cities always ready&effective and can you trust your city under their protection for longer periods?
If someone is rogue they will attack, farther a person is the more towers are in range. Damage is a bit low, they said they would increase it.
Are there any disadvantages to having a multi-race (and multi-alignment) clan, other than guard tower restrictions?
People that are enemy to your clan member will try and attack them, but if they are attacked, the attacker will go rogue. In player cities you can choose by race, name, clan, alignment who the guard towers shoot lightning at.
How are the customization possibilities when you are building a clan town?
Preset buildings in preset places or can you choose which building you want to set in on of the preset building places?
You can upgrade buildings. Preset buildings in preset places.
Is there hiring NPCs?
Only hiring merchants in the clan city. Devs did not want people to have npc doing their business. There are no guards, just guard towers
How do the group mechanics work?
Anybody can invite into the group (Not just the leader). I have not reached a limit yet i have had 8.
Can the amount of the fee/tax for the clan-merchant/forge for other players be set by the clan? and does the gold flow into the guild bank?
And can the merchant deployed by non-clan-players be taxed? and is this tax rate adjustable (so clans can compete)?
There are fees for the use of utilities such as *Workbench* but i am not sure if you can set how much it will cost, nor do i know how much of a tax you can put on merchants. I do remember hearing you cannot alter the prices of the player city merchants, but I do not know personally.
I was wondering if its possible for others to find out about a clan's city without being a member? i.e. Such as killing and looting someone that is " bound " to their clan/city stone <<<>
Ask them? Visit it? Being bound means that is where you go when you die.
Are there any special bonuses give when a kingdom/clan owns land?
What precisely?
How does a clan/kingdom charge taxes on cities/villages?
What option are there, can the percentage be adjusted manually?
Are there any other special options to acquire gold as a guild that is not possible as a solo player?
What type of buildings can be build, and what is their function?
When you create a player city you can choose to build structures such as a blacksmith, farm *grove* etc. crafting tools that you need to be able to craft (think of forges in WoW you need them to smelt). In racial cities it costs money to use these, in your clan city it is free. Other people not in the clan can use them for a fee or tax. Merchants and banks can be created by the player but prices cannot be altered by the clan. Only player cities by the water with ports can build ships. Player housing increases the number of people that can bind there.
Fuck it. All Things Clan City
Can you kick players/guilds/races out of your city/village? deny them entrance, and how can a clan enforce this?
You can create guard tower that will attck players by race, name, alignment, and clan.
Does the weight of your armor influence swimming capability? E.g. heavy plate would make you slower/sink faster?
The heavier the armor the more stamina you use and the slower you go. This equates to everything.
What kind of stats does stuff have? ie does armor just have a value or resistances?
Can you buy mounts from vendors or are they only made/sold by players?
You can buy them, you can make them, you can steal them from other players or loot the paper doll from their bodies. 700gp and steed grass.
When you look down in first person view do you see your feet/body or are you just a pair of floating hands?
No feet.
Other/Tech Specs:
Is there windowed mode? Does it perform well (not buggy etc.)?
Yes, my computer does it fine.
How well does DF run on your computer?
Can you tell us your system stats?
Quad Core 2.66ghz
8gb ram
9 series Nvidia w/ 512mb vram
Runs great, the shadows are bloody amazing, some people have said that they cannot Alt-Tab. But, I can. :) This game looks amazing! People say they do not like the animations. Fuck em. game play and combat is AWESOME. 1600 and shadows off 30-35fps. Other stuff is max. Character can be seen from VERY far away.
When you got your beta email, was it sent to your junk mail?
No, it was not.
On a scale of 1 to Sexy, what would you rate Darkfall?
9. Things that annoy me like the journal and clan window are stupid and slow. Well the interface is slow. But its beta? I love it!
I noticed you changed your rating from 7 to 9. What made you boost it up?
Initial reactions of having to get used to the UI and the game its self was frustrating, after I got into it... Holy crap I love this game. Still need tweaks but it is beta and has so much potential which is why I gave it a 9 and not a 7. For the stage it is in it deserves a 9.
Build 116
This is mainly a build to fix some harvesting issues that was introduced in build 115.
In addition this has been fixed:
* Number of reagents for casting Eldritch Sphere in Lesser Magic has been reduced
* Spell Description for Lay On Hands has been updated.
* Heavy duty logging has been reduced more to prevent FPS drop.
Build 114 (Actually Build 115 Supposedly)
This is mainly to address some server issues, but a couple of other things managed to get in.
Fixes and updates in this patch includes:
* Lay On Hands in Lesser Magic has been fixed so you can't parry it.
* Lightning Bolt in Air Magic has been tweaked
* Run skill has been fixed so it skills up much faster
* You can now skill up in crouch, so that you can sneak up on your enemies at a faster pace.
* Block/Parry will now skill up a bit faster
* If there are any errors when starting the game, they should all be reported back to you.
* The problem some testers experienced with stuttering should now be much better. (We are doing some heavy duty logging on the client to catch the last few remaining client side bugs)
* An transparency slider has been added to all GUI windows, so that you can choose transparency level of each individual window.
* Updates to the world
Some Crafting Info
Crafting Skills
Armorcrafting : chain, scale, plate, full-plate, and dragon armor
Tailoring : cloth, padded, leather, studded, and bone armor
Weaponcrafting : All weapons, Shields
Jewelcrafting : necklaces, rings, etc.
Enchanting : Permanent magical properties for crafted items
Alchemy : granades, higher lvl potions & spellstaves
Herbalism: Lower level potions
Fletching : bows & arrows
Construction : buildings, boats, and cannons
Cooking : Used for making food. Food is highly useful.
Gathering Skills
Mining - Ore, Rocks, Gems, Reagents
Lumberjacking - Wood, Reagents
Skinning - Leather (not in yet), Reagents, compos for potions
Harvesting - Berries, steed-grass (for making mounts), Reagents, comps for potions
Fishing - Fish, Reagents
* Ore requires smelting. Lumber requires Carpentry Alchemy requires Chemistry, etc. etc. * All crafts begin by allowing one to make Rank 0 items. As one skills up in a given craft, higher rank items can be made, and the chance of higher stats on tthe items improve as ones skill does. * In addition, as you gathering skills and "smelting, carpentry, etc." go up, so does ones ability to work and obtain higher level components. |